由Acagastya在話題Talk上作出的最新留言:4 年前
編輯@Kitabc12345: Hi. Thank you for translating this interview in Chinese! I wanted to tell you, I have received an email from Wayne Tseng, a .docx file written in Chinese, which has something to do with the interview. I think that will greatly help the article be presented in Chinese. How should I share it with you?
- @Acagastya: Thank you, you can share it via my email kitabc12345[@]outlook.com. --Kitabc12345(討論) 2020年10月27日 (二) 07:36 (UTC)
- @Kitabc12345: seems like I can not email to outlook.com, could you join freenode IRC #wikinews or contact me on telegram (t.me/acagastya)?
Acagastya(討論) 2020年10月27日 (二) 09:03 (UTC)
- @Kitabc12345: seems like I can not email to outlook.com, could you join freenode IRC #wikinews or contact me on telegram (t.me/acagastya)?