
由Kitabc12345在話題Not pass上作出的最新留言:28 分鐘前

Not pass


未能通過審核,在中文當中有極嚴重的機械翻譯問題,句子完全不通。 Failed to pass the review, there is a very serious mechanical translation problem in Chinese, and the sentences are completely incompetent. Kitabc12345留言2024年9月19日 (四) 16:02 (UTC)回覆

俄羅斯旅行者在文學節上展示了一本不尋常的教科書並不是中文維基新聞會允許的新聞報道,我們的原創報道只能介紹這一本旅行新聞業教科書作者的主題採訪這個可能更加有新聞價值,而不是單純為你的發佈會進行新聞報道,這樣是沒有新聞價值的。 Russian travelers showed an unusual textbook at the Literature Festival, which is not a news report allowed by Chinese Wikinews. Our original report can only introduce the theme interview of the author of this travel journalism textbook, which may be more newsworthy, rather than simply reporting for your press conference, which has no news value. Kitabc12345留言2024年9月19日 (四) 16:04 (UTC)回覆
See Wikinews:新聞價值 Kitabc12345留言2024年9月19日 (四) 16:06 (UTC)回覆
除非我們允許,那麼相關的新聞報道應該是非常深度的報道採訪,這個作者關於這本書背後的故事,去令到他的新聞價值提升,而不是單純好像寫這篇這本書發佈了,你並概述一下這本書的內容,而不是針對這本書進行深入專題採訪,而是根本是一個發佈會發生的報道,因此我不能批准該報道發佈。 Unless we allow it, the relevant news report should be a very in-depth report interview. The author's story behind the book will improve his news value, rather than simply writing this book and publishing it. Please outline the content of the book, instead of conducting an in-depth special interview for the book, it is basically a report that will be published, so I can't approve the release of the report. Kitabc12345留言2024年9月19日 (四) 16:09 (UTC)回覆
另外根據英文維基新聞的利益衝突方針,這篇文章也不應該被發佈。 In addition, according to the conflict of interest policy of English Wikinews, this article should not be published. Kitabc12345留言2024年9月19日 (四) 16:10 (UTC)回覆
The reason for the conflict of interest is that you are the author yourself. I think this content was written by yourself and does not belong to a reliable source. The difference between Chinese Wikinews and English Wikinews is that we do not require the source of raw materials to be Chinese. Kitabc12345留言2024年9月19日 (四) 16:13 (UTC)回覆
Even if you are the book author, we(zhwikinews) can have a way to avoid conflicts of interest and avoid feeling to promote you personally, but in this article, the conflict of interest seems to be very serious. Kitabc12345留言2024年9月19日 (四) 16:14 (UTC)回覆
@Виктор Пинчук Kitabc12345留言2024年9月20日 (五) 05:40 (UTC)回覆
@ Kitabc12345 :So, is it still necessary to correct the article, or not?.. — Виктор Пинчук留言2024年9月20日 (五) 05:41 (UTC)回覆
There are many sources, but some of them may not open (it is difficult to open) outside the Russian Federation. — Виктор Пинчук留言2024年9月20日 (五) 06:06 (UTC)回覆
Thanks I will be check your text. Kitabc12345留言2024年9月20日 (五) 06:08 (UTC)回覆
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