

港府官員在記者會發言 编辑



政務司司長陳國基有關「五百年一遇」:For this heavy rain, it was really really so big, as mentioned by our colleague, it was once-in-500-years, so it’s so big and so sudden, and the predictability is so low, so that’s why we cannot to act as (in the case of) the former typhoon Solar that we can’t do announcement very early beforehand.

政務司副司長卓永興有關緊急短訊系統:I think any members of the pubic who is still awaking (who are still awake) would have noticed this heavy rainstorm, so it won’t be necessary to use that system to send SMS to individual citizens to really stating the obvious.

Myron Rance留言2023年9月12日 (二) 13:31 (UTC)回复
